Timeline of Sheikh Hasina

In this page you will find a time line brief of Sheikh Hasina. You will only find the important fact, years and incidents of Sheikh Hasina.

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Born 1947

The house and Tomb of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, birth place of Sheikh Hasina, Gopalganj, Tungipara

Sheikh Hasina was born on 28th September, 1947 in Tungipara, a remote village under Gopalganj district. She was the eldest of five children of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Bangamata Begum Fazilatunnesa. Her mother Begum Fazilatunnesa was widely respected as a tender-hearted lady and for her love for the poor and needy people.


Student Union 1966

Scion of a political family, she was actively involved in students politics in her college and university life. She gathered political experience in her role as the go-between in maintaining contact between her father and the political and student leaders during Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's repeated imprisonment by the Pakistani rulers in the 1960s. Always popular among students, Sheikh Hasina, as president of Govt. Intermediate Girls College unit of the Chhatra League, i.e., the students wing of the Awami League, was also elected Chief of the Student Union in 1966.


Marriage 1968

Sheikh Hasina along with her husband Dr. Wazed Miah

In 1968, Sheikh Hasina married an eminent scientist of Bangladesh, Dr. M.A. Wazed Miah. They are now the parents of a son and a daughter. After her marriage, Sheikh Hasina continued her studies in the University of Dhaka.


Mass movement of 1969

She was an active member of the Students League of Dhaka University and Secretary of the Student League unit of Rokeya Hall. She actively participated in the mass movement of 1969, and at the time of the War of Liberation in 1971, she was imprisoned by the Pakistan occupation army along with other members of her family.


War of Liberation 1971

Glorious moment of liberation war, 1971

At the time of the War of Liberation in 1971, she was imprisoned by the Pakistan occupation army along with other members of her family.


Became mother July 27, 1971

Sheikh Hasina with her son(Sajeeb Wazed Joy) and daughter(Saima Wazed Putul)

On July 27, 1971 Sheikh Hasina became mother of a baby boy (Sajeeb Ahmed Wazed also known as Sajeeb Wazed Joy) under Pakistani imprisonment. Hasina's that boy became a key figure in formulating the party's Vision 2021 manifesto. He was listed by the World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader, a renown IT consultant.

Later Sheikh Hasina became mother of a baby girl(Saima Wazed Putul).


Graduation 1973

In 1973 Sheikh Hasina completed her graduation from the University of Dhaka.


Black night of 1975

Assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 15th August 1975

On the fateful night of August 15, 1975 some power hungry and bloodthirsty army officers assassinated the Father of the Nation who was also the elected Head of State, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, his wife, three sons and all the residents of his house. Sheikh Hasina and her only sister Sheikh Rehana survived the carnage as they were then visiting West Germany.


Return to Bangladesh 1981

Return to homeland, 1981, Sheikh Hasina

Sheikh Hasina was forced to live in exile because of the restrictions put on her by General Ziaur Rahman, the President of Bangladesh at the time.

in 1981, she was elected President of the largest political party of Bangladesh, and no force could prevent her return to Bangladesh on 17 May 1981. On her return, she was heartily welcomed by millions of people who were eagerly waiting for the return of the daughter of democracy, Sheikh Hasina.


Movement against Ershad, 1982

Ershad captured power through a bloodless coup and declared martial law, suppressing political party activity and suspending the constitution.

In 1984, Hasina was put under house arrest in February and again in November. In March 1985, she was put under house arrest for three months. Her party, along with the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, led by Ziaur Rahman's widow Khaleda Zia, continued to work to restore democratically elected government.

Noor Hossain, a supporter of Hasina, shot to dead on 1990

Hasina and the Awami League participated in the 1986 parliamentary elections held under President Ershad. She served as the leader of the opposition in 1986–1987. Hasina used the platform effectively to challenge Ershad's rule. Ershad dissolved the parliament in December 1987 when Hasina and her Awami League resigned from the parliament in an attempt to call for a fresh general election to be held under a neutral government. During November and December in 1987, mass uprising happened in Dhaka, several people were killed including Noor Hossain, a Hasina supporter.

A huge mass protest in December 1990 ousted General Ershad from the power, who resigned in favour of his Vice President Justice Shahabuddin.


Leader of the opposition 1991-96

After several years of autocratic rule, widespread protests and strikes created so much unrest that the economy was not functioning. A huge mass protest in December 1990 ousted General Ershad from the power, who resigned in favour of his Vice President Justice Shahabuddin. The caretaker government, headed by Shahabuddin Ahmed, the Chief Justice of the Bangladesh Supreme Court, administered a general election for the parliament. Hasina's Awami League emerged as the largest opposition party. Accepting election defeat, Hasina offered resignation as the party president but stayed on at the request of party leaders.


Prime Minister, 1996

Sheikh Hasina Wajed taking the oath from President Iajuddin Ahmed as Bangladesh's Prime Minister in Dhaka on 6 January, 2009.

On June 13, 1996 the Awami League won the elections. Sheikh Hasina was sworn in as the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, the nation her father Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had founded 25 years ago.


Leader of the opposition, 2001

In the 2001 election, although winning 40% of the popular vote (slightly less than the BNP's 41%), the Awami League won just 62 seats in the Parliament, while the 'Four Party Alliance' led by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party won 234 seats, giving them a two-thirds majority in Parliament. Hasina herself ran won in two seats.


Grenade attack, 2004

The 2004 Dhaka grenade attack took place on an anti-terrorism rally organised by Awami League on Bangabandhu Avenue on 21 August 2004.

During her second term as leader of the opposition, political unrest and violence increased. Ahsanullah Master, an MP, was killed in 2004. This was followed by a grenade attack on an Awami League gathering in Dhaka, resulting in the death of 21 party supporters, including party women's secretary Ivy Rahman. Shah M S Kibria, Hasina's former finance minister, was also killed that year, in a grenade attack in Sylhet that year.


Political arrest, July 2007

On 16 July 2007, Hasina was politically arrested by state police at her home and taken before a local court in Dhaka. She was held in a building converted into a jail on the premises of the National Parliament. The Awami League said the arrest was politically motivated.

Hasina's son Sajeeb Wazed Joy was out of the country, and said he would try to organise worldwide protest. These arrests of the political leaders were widely seen as a move by the military-backed interim government to force Hasina to out of the country and into political exile.

On 30 July 2007, the Dhaka High Court suspended Hasina's extortion trial and ordered her release on bail. On 2 September 2007, an additional case was filed against Hasina.

On 6 February, the High Court stopped the trial, ruling that she could not be prosecuted under emergency laws for crimes alleged to have been committed prior to the imposition of the state of emergency.

On 11 June 2008, Hasina was released on parole for medical reasons. The next day she flew to the United States to be treated for hearing impairment, eye problems and high blood pressure. Prof. Syed Modasser Ali, her personal physician, threatened to sue the caretaker government over negligence regarding Hasina's treatment during her detention.


2nd time Prime Minister, 2009-2014

On 6 November 2008, Sheikh Hasina returned to Bangladesh to attend the Ninth National Parliamentary Elections 2008 scheduled for 29 December 2008 and decided to participate in the parliamentary election under the name of "Grand Alliance" with the Jatiya Party led by Hussain Muhammad Ershad as its main partner. On 11 December 2008, Hasina formally announced her party's election manifesto during a news conference & vowed to build a "Digital Bangladesh" by 2021.

Her Bangladesh Awami League and its Grand Alliance (a total of 14 parties) won the general election held on 29 December 2008 with a two-thirds majority numerically the party controls 230 seats out of 299. Sheikh Hasina was sworn into office as the Prime Minister for the second time on 6 January 2009.


3rd time Prime Minister, 2014

Hasina became the prime minister for the third time after winning the general election in January 2014.

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